The MATR Board of Directors is comprised of 17 Members - four Officers elected annually and thirteen other Board members who are elected for three-year terms from designated regions of the state. This helps to insure geographic representation. The past president also services an ex-officio member of the Board. Board members and Officers take an active, responsible role in all MATR activities. Officers and Board members receive no funds or compensation from the Association for their service.
MATR maintains a close relationship with the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA), the national trade association. ARA provides the industry with an effective, unified, national voice in Washington, D.C. just as MATR does on the state level in Jefferson City. ARA serves as an excellent source for trade publications, industry information updates, dismantler's manuals, films and slides on the recycling and dismantling business. MATR values the benefits of ARA and encourages all state members to become ARA members.
MATR members have long demonstrated their commitment to environmental and ecological programs. As a result, Missouri recyclers have been recognized nationally for various beautification projects and membership development programs.
The primary goal of MATR is to promote the future welfare of the dismantler and recycler business. MATR serves as the only trade association exclusively representing your interests at the state level.